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A package to create changelogs for your git tracked projects.

pip install changelog-md

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Requires Python



    install with pip

    python3 -m pip install changelog-md

    install with Poetry

    poetry add changelog-md

    execution information:

    This script aim to provide changelogs on git-tracked projects. Run changelog.py script in your directory and it'll generate the changelog file. In order to obtain actual changelog, run:

    You can use git changelog from command line directly:

    # ... code on project
    git commit                                                    #add your commit message on work you've done
    python3 -m changelog_md vX.Y.Z "Annotation for this version" #generate changelog
    git add changelog.md                                          #stage the changelog to current commit
    git commit --amend                                            #add the changelog to current commit, leave commit message as is.
    git tag -a vX.Y.Z -m "Annotation for this version"            #add the tag you've set earlier in changelog.
    git push --follow-tags                                        #publish your changes and the new tag.

    Or you can elaborate your workflow python scripts to use changelog_md as a python module:

    # CICD_script.py
    # ... do some CICD work
    from changelog_md import logger
    l = logger('vX.Y.Z', 'Annotation for this version')           #create logger instance
    l.make()                                                      #print the log
    # ... do other CICD work

    More actual information on colophon of scripts:

    #actual information on colophon:
    python3 -m changelog_md --help

    correct commit messages:

    To make this scripts work properly, your commit messages should look like any of this:

    [feature] feature description here
    [fix] fix description
    [changelog] minor changes description
    [internal] this section will be generated only if --internal argument is given.
    This commit message string will be ommited from changelog.


    Any tagged commit will be interpreted as release. To create tag, write:

    git tag -a v<version>
    ... tag anotation ...
    git push --follow-tags

    Any commit above the last tag will be marked as tag provided in command line arguments and annotated accordingly.