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License texts and header strings.

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    If you ever wanted to add a license file automatically or wanted to add a license header to an automatically generated file, look no further, because that is exactly what this module does. It allows you to select from the preconfigured licenses and you can also add your own licenses.

    It does not need any external modules at all!

    Another advantage is, that it is easy to add new licenses: Just prepare the license file and save it either in the default directory (see License.paths) or a directory of your own and tell Licence to use it. No fiddling with Python code!


    A word of warning

    Watch the British spelling of "licence" with regard to computer code throughout! This avoids a name conflict with the built-in statement license.

    How to install?

    pip3 install licence

    or to upgrade an existing installation

    pip3 install --upgrade licence

    How to use?

    Import the module:

    >>> from licence import Licence

    Load the license:

    >>> lic = Licence('GPL-3.0')

    Render the license with default values:

    >>> t = lic.licence()
    >>> # `t` now contains a string with the license text, which can be written
    >>> # to a file, such as:
    >>> with open('LICENSE', 'w') as f:
    ...     f.write(t)

    Render the header string to be included into each file:

    >>> t = lic.header()

    If the license does not support rendering a header, an AttributeError will be thrown!

    If you want the header to be enclosed in triple quotations marks:

    >>> t = lic.header(prolog='"""', epilog='"""')

    or if you want to have it as a comment:

    >>> t = lic.header(comment="# ")

    How to find a license?

    Import the module:

    >>> from licence import Licence

    Find the license:

    >>> lice = Licence.find(id='MIT')
    >>> # `lice` now contains a list with licenses, whose ids are 'MIT' - since
    >>> # ids is unique, there should be only one license
    >>> lice

    Find all GNU licenses:

    >>> lice = Licence.find(pypi='License :: OSI Approved :: GNU')
    >>> lice
    [<Licence('GPL-2.0+')>, <Licence('GPL-2.0')>, <Licence('AGPL-3.0')>, ...]

    Get all available licenses:

    >>> lice = Licence.find()

    Note, that after a license has been found, the license texts have to be loaded, otherwise an AttributeError will be thrown!

    >>> lice = Licence.find(id='MIT')
    >>> lice
    >>> lic = lice[0]
    >>> t = lic.licence()
    AttributeError: 'The MIT license' does not use 'licence'
    >>> lic.load()
    >>> t = lic.licence()

    The Licence.find() class method takes keyword arguments and will filter the available licenses based on these keywords, e.g. "id='MIT'" looks for all licenses whose id is exactly 'MIT'. Other keywords are:

    Multiple keywords are supported and they are ANDed together.

    How to add a new license?

    All that is required is to add a license file to a location from the list Licence.paths!

    Start with a text file containing the license text. Then add the meta data at the beginning of the file:

    # name: <full name of the license>
    # rpm: <identifier used by rpm>
    # pypi: <identifier used by PyPi>
    # url: <link to the license>

    If the license asks for a header to be included into each source file, add a header section:

    # header:
    #    Copyright (C) yyyy  author name
    # header: end

    If the license asks to display some information for interactive programs, add a interactive section:

    # interactive:
    #     program  Copyright (C) yyyy  author name
    # interactive: end

    Now replace the variable parts of the license with tokens starting with $. These are replaced, when the text is rendered. Standard tokens are:

    • $year: The year (or current year, if not given)
    • $login: The author's login name (if not given, the login name of the current user as provided by the operating system will be used).
    • $author: The author's full name (if not given, the full name of the current user as provided by the operating system will be used).
    • $email: The author's email address (if not given, the email address of the current user as provided by the operating system will be used - note, that this is not available most of the time).
    • $name_email: The string "name " (if not given, it will be calculated from $author and $email).

    Any other tokens can be used as well, but they do not have a default value.

    Now look back to https://spdx.org/licenses/ and make a note of the identifier. This will be the file name and the internal 'id' of the license. So save the file under the identifier with a suffix of '.txt' in any location mentioned in the Licence.paths (see next section).

    Please also consider to make it available at https://codeberg.org/sph/licence, either by making a pull request with the new license file or open a new issue and attach the new license file.

    How to have your own repository of license files?

    The license files are stored in any location mentioned in the Licence.paths. The standard paths, such as the user and site data directories as well as this module's path, are implemented in the module, but the list can be modified, if the nees should arise:

    • Add a new path at the beginning of the list:
    >>> Licence.add_path('~/licenses')
    • Remove a path:
    >>> Licence.del_path('~/licenses')
    • Show all paths:
    >>> Licence.paths
    • Clear the list of paths - it will be empty afterwards:
    >>> Licence.clear_paths()
    • Reset the list of paths to its default values:
    >>> Licence.reset_paths()

    Note, that it is possible to modify Licence.paths directly (but you have to use pathlib.Path objects!), but the above mentioned methods take care of that and also make some sanity checks, so they are preferred.


    • license: The original license module, but the author lost interest and does not want to hand over the project. BTW that project names clashes with the Python built-in license statement.
    • licenraptor: Based on the original license with one (Chinese) license added.

    Command line utilities:


    Class Licence(id, meta_only=False)

    This class reads the license file and renders the license texts. It also makes the meta data accessible. In addition it provides some useful class methods, which can be called without initiating a class object.


    • id (str): The SPDX identifier of the license (this is the name of the license file).
    • meta_only (bool, optional): If True, return only the meta data, but no template or multi-line meta data (multi-line data is replaced with their boolean value). The default is False.

    A ValueError is raised, if the license file <id>.txt does not exist in any of the directories specified in Licence.paths.

    A KeyError is raised, if the license file states a key twice (or uses any of the reserved keys 'file' or 'id').

    Meta data

    The class behaves like a dictionary, albeit a read-only one, so that the meta data can be accessed with their key, e.g.

    >>> l = Licence('MIT')
    >>> l['name']

    returns the full name (the name meta data) of the MIT license.

    Basically every key given in the license file is accessed in that manner; the main keys are:

    • id: The SPDX identifier of the license (not read from the license file)
    • file: The file path to the license file (not read from the license file)
    • name: The full SPDX name of the license
    • rpm: The identifier used by RPM
    • pypi: The identifier used by PyPi
    • url: The link to the license

    Some licenses specify a header and even an interactive text. These are used to be included into the every file of the project or as message for interactive programs, respectively. They are accessed with the header and interactive keys (and return a list of strings, were each string is one line of the text).

    The license text itself is accessible with the licence key (and again is a list of strings, where each string is one line of the license text).

    Method `load(meta_only=False)

    Loads the contents of the file stored in the 'file' key. This can be used to reload the contents of the file, e.g. to read in the contents of the templates, if the class was initialized with meta_only=True (which is done when finding licenses).

    The meta_only keyword parameter, has the same meaning as during the initialization of the class.

    Static method text(template, prolog=None, comment=None, epilog=None, **kwargs)

    Generate any license string, encapsulating it between prolog and epilog and prepending comment in front of every line.

    The kwargs are used to substitute the placeholders with the same name in the template.

    Since this is a static method, it can theoretically be used without loading the license file first.

    • template (list): The list with the lines of the template text.
    • prolog (str|None, optional): A string to be put before the header, e.g. "/*" for C. If None, no prolog is added, if the empty string "", an empty line is added. The default is None`.
    • comment (str|None): A string to be put in front of each header line, e.g. " * " for C (or "# " for Python). If None, nothing is added before the line. The default is None.
    • epilog (str|None): A string to be put after the header, e.g. " */" for C. If None, no epilog is added, if the empty string "", an empty line is added. The default is None.
    • **kwargs: Keyword arguments with replacements for tokens in the license file. The most important keys are:
      • year (optional): The year to be put into the copyright line. The default is the current year.
      • login (optional): The author`s login name. The default is extracted from information provided by the operating system.
      • author (optional): The author`s full name to be put into the copyright line. The default is extracted from information provided by the operating system.
      • email (optional): The author's email address to be put into the copyright line. Mainly used to calculate the name_email key: If empty, no email address is inserted into the name_email key. The default is extracted from information provided by the operating system (which most of the time is an empty string!)
      • name_email (optional): The author's full name and the email address to be put into the copyright line. The default is calculated from the author and email keys: "author " (if the email key is empty, no email is added and name_email simply becomes "author").

    Class method find(**kwargs)

    Looks for licenses using the given criteria. It uses the meta data and returns a list with all licenses matching the criteria.

    The keyword arguments are the criteria used to filter the available licenses, e.g. id='MIT' looks for all licenses whose id is exactly 'MIT' (there should be only one license in the list, because the id should be unique). The main keywords are (see also the section about the meta data above):

    Multiple keywords are supported and they are ANDed together.

    Note that a license found that way does not contain the license texts yet. These need to be loaded with load()!

    Class methods licence(), header(), interactive(), …

    If some data should be rendered into a license text, call that meta data with the same arguments as the text() method, but without the template parameter, which will be gotten from the meta data, e.g. licence() will render the meta data licence, header(comment='# ') will render the meta data header and adds a '# ' in front of each line.

    paths manipulation

    Class attribute paths

    The class attribute Licence.paths contains the list of pathlib.Paths for each directory, where license files are stored. It already contains the path to the licenses supplied with the module.

    This class attribute can be accessed without initiating the Licence class!

    The list of paths can be manipulated with the help of the .…_path() class methods (see below). Any subsequent calls of Licence() will then use this modified list of paths to look for a license file.

    Class method add_path(path)

    Add the new directory path the list of paths at its end. The path can either be a string or a pathlib.Path. The special character ~ will be expanded with the user's home directory. It checks, if the path is an existing directory and if it is not already in the list.

    Raises FileNotFoundError, if the path does not exists.

    Class method del_path(path)

    Deletes the directory path from the list of paths. The path can either be a string or a pathlib.Path. The special character ~ will be expanded with the user's home directory.

    Raises AttributeError, if the path is not in the list of paths.

    Class method clear_path(path)

    Clears the list of paths and set it to the empty list.

    Helper functions

    Function get_year()

    Returns the current year.

    Function get_login()

    Returns the login name for the current user.

    Function get_fullname()

    Returns the full user name from the information provided by the operating system.

    Function get_email()

    Returns the email address from the information provided by the operating system.

    Decorator classproperty

    Makes a class property attribute and can be used very similar to the @property decorator.


    The file can be called from the command line:

    python3 id licence|header|... **kwargs

    where id is the license identifier (as in the class initialization), licence|header|... the part of the license to be rendered and the keyword arguments **kwargs the same as for the text() method (without the template parameter).