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A generic entrypoint for ADBC drivers.

ADBC Driver Manager for Python

This package contains bindings for the ADBC Driver Manager, as well as a DBAPI 2.0/PEP 249-compatible interface on top. This can be used to load ADBC drivers at runtime and use them from Python. Backend-specific packages like adbc_driver_postgresql wrap this package in a more convenient interface, and should be preferred where they exist.

The DBAPI 2.0 interface requires PyArrow, and exposes a number of extensions mimicking those of Turbodbc or DuckDB's Python packages to allow you to retrieve Arrow Table objects instead of being limited to the row-oriented API of the base DBAPI interface.


Dependencies: a C++ compiler.

For users building from the arrow-adbc source repository, you can alternately use CMake to manage library dependencies and set environment variables for you. You can add -DADBC_BUILD_PYTHON=ON to define a python target.

For example, assuming you run cmake from the project root:

cmake -S c -B build --preset debug -DADBC_BUILD_PYTHON=ON
cmake --build build --target python

will properly build and install the Python library for you.

See CONTRIBUTING.md for details.


The SQLite driver must be loadable at runtime (e.g. it must be on LD_LIBRARY_PATH, DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH, or PATH).

See CONTRIBUTING.md for details.

$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=path/to/sqlite/driver/
$ pytest -vvx