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Happy Eyeballs for asyncio

pip install aiohappyeyeballs

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    Documentation: https://aiohappyeyeballs.readthedocs.io

    Source Code: https://github.com/aio-libs/aiohappyeyeballs

    Happy Eyeballs (RFC 8305)

    Use case

    This library exists to allow connecting with Happy Eyeballs (RFC 8305) when you already have a list of addrinfo and not a DNS name.

    The stdlib version of loop.create_connection() will only work when you pass in an unresolved name which is not a good fit when using DNS caching or resolving names via another method such as zeroconf.


    Install this via pip (or your favourite package manager):

    pip install aiohappyeyeballs

    Example usage

    addr_infos = await loop.getaddrinfo("example.org", 80)
    socket = await start_connection(addr_infos)
    socket = await start_connection(addr_infos, local_addr_infos=local_addr_infos, happy_eyeballs_delay=0.2)
    transport, protocol = await loop.create_connection(
        MyProtocol, sock=socket, ...)
    # Remove the first address for each family from addr_info
    pop_addr_infos_interleave(addr_info, 1)
    # Remove all matching address from addr_info
    remove_addr_infos(addr_info, "dead::beef::")
    # Convert a local_addr to local_addr_infos
    local_addr_infos = addr_to_addr_infos(("",0))


    This package contains code from cpython and is licensed under the same terms as cpython itself.

    This package was created with Copier and the browniebroke/pypackage-template project template.