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Python graph (network) package

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    altgraph is a fork of graphlib: a graph (network) package for constructing graphs, BFS and DFS traversals, topological sort, shortest paths, etc. with graphviz output.

    altgraph includes some additional usage of Python 2.6+ features and enhancements related to modulegraph and macholib.

    Project links

    • Documentation <https://altgraph.readthedocs.io/en/latest/>_

    • Issue Tracker <https://github.com/ronaldoussoren/altgraph/issues>_

    • Repository <https://github.com/ronaldoussoren/altgraph/>_

    Release history


    • Update classifiers for Python 3.11


    • Change in setup.py to fix the sidebar links on PyPI


    • Explicitly mark Python 3.10 as supported in wheel metadata.


    • Explicitly mark Python 3.8 as supported in wheel metadata.

    • Migrate from Bitbucket to GitHub

    • Run black on the entire repository


    • Explicitly mark Python 3.7 as supported in wheel metadata.


    • Add LICENSE file


    • ObjectGraph.get_edges, ObjectGraph.getEdgeData and ObjectGraph.updateEdgeData accept None as the node to get and treat this as an alias for self (as other methods already did).


    • Issue #7: Remove use of iteritems in altgraph.GraphAlgo code


    • Issue #4: Graph._bfs_subgraph and back_bfs_subgraph return subgraphs with reversed edges

      Fix by "pombredanne" on bitbucket.


    • Added ObjectGraph.edgeData to retrieve the edge data from a specific edge.

    • Added AltGraph.update_edge_data and ObjectGraph.updateEdgeData to update the data associated with a graph edge.


    • Stabilize the order of elements in dot file exports, patch from bitbucket user 'pombredanne'.

    • Tweak setup.py file to remove dependency on distribute (but keep the dependency on setuptools)


    • There where no classifiers in the package metadata due to a bug in setup.py


    This is a bugfix release

    Bug fixes:

    • Issue #3: The source archive contains a README.txt while the setup file refers to ReadMe.txt.

      This is caused by a misfeature in distutils, as a workaround I've renamed ReadMe.txt to README.txt in the source tree and setup file.


    This is a minor feature release


    • Do not use "2to3" to support Python 3.

      As a side effect of this altgraph now supports Python 2.6 and later, and no longer supports earlier releases of Python.

    • The order of attributes in the Dot output is now always alphabetical.

      With this change the output will be consistent between runs and Python versions.


    This is a minor bugfix release


    • Added altgraph.ObjectGraph.ObjectGraph.nodes, a method yielding all nodes in an object graph.


    • The 0.8 release didn't work with py2app when using python 3.x.


    This is a minor feature release. The major new feature is a extensive set of unittests, which explains almost all other changes in this release.


    • Installing failed with Python 2.5 due to using a distutils class that isn't available in that version of Python (issue #1 on the issue tracker)

    • altgraph.GraphStat.degree_dist now actually works

    • altgraph.Graph.add_edge(a, b, create_nodes=False) will no longer create the edge when one of the nodes doesn't exist.

    • altgraph.Graph.forw_topo_sort failed for some sparse graphs.

    • altgraph.Graph.back_topo_sort was completely broken in previous releases.

    • altgraph.Graph.forw_bfs_subgraph now actually works.

    • altgraph.Graph.back_bfs_subgraph now actually works.

    • altgraph.Graph.iterdfs now returns the correct result when the forward argument is False.

    • altgraph.Graph.iterdata now returns the correct result when the forward argument is False.


    • The altgraph.Graph constructor now accepts an argument that contains 2- and 3-tuples instead of requireing that all items have the same size. The (optional) argument can now also be any iterator.

    • altgraph.Graph.Graph.add_node has no effect when you add a hidden node.

    • The private method altgraph.Graph._bfs is no longer present.

    • The private method altgraph.Graph._dfs is no longer present.

    • altgraph.ObjectGraph now has a __contains__ methods, which means you can use the in operator to check if a node is part of a graph.

    • altgraph.GraphUtil.generate_random_graph will raise GraphError instead of looping forever when it is impossible to create the requested graph.

    • altgraph.Dot.edge_style raises GraphError when one of the nodes is not present in the graph. The method silently added the tail in the past, but without ensuring a consistent graph state.

    • altgraph.Dot.save_img now works when the mode is "neato".


    This is a minor bugfix release


    • distutils didn't include the documentation subtree


    This is a minor feature release


    • Documentation is now generated using sphinx <http://pypi.python.org/pypi/sphinx>_ and can be viewed at http://packages.python.org/altgraph.

    • The repository has moved to bitbucket

    • altgraph.GraphStat.avg_hops is no longer present, the function had no implementation and no specified behaviour.

    • the module altgraph.compat is gone, which means altgraph will no longer work with Python 2.3.


    This is a minor feature release.


    • Support for Python 3

    • It is now possible to run tests using 'python setup.py test'

      (The actual testsuite is still very minimal though)