Distributed Task Queue.
pip install celery
Package Downloads
Requires Python
- billiard
- kombu
- vine
- click
- click-didyoumean
- click-repl
- click-plugins
- tzdata
- python-dateutil
- importlib-metadata
>=3.6; python_version < "3.8"
- backports.zoneinfo
>=0.2.1; python_version < "3.9"
- pyArango
>=2.0.2; extra == "arangodb"
- cryptography
==42.0.5; extra == "auth"
- azure-storage-blob
>=12.15.0; extra == "azureblockblob"
- brotli
>=1.0.0; platform_python_implementation == "CPython" and extra == "brotli"
- brotlipy
>=0.7.0; platform_python_implementation == "PyPy" and extra == "brotli"
- cassandra-driver
<4,>=3.25.0; extra == "cassandra"
- python-consul2
==0.1.5; extra == "consul"
- pydocumentdb
==2.3.5; extra == "cosmosdbsql"
- couchbase
>=3.0.0; (platform_python_implementation != "PyPy" and (platform_system != "Windows" or python_version < "3.10")) and extra == "couchbase"
- pycouchdb
==1.14.2; extra == "couchdb"
- Django
>=2.2.28; extra == "django"
- boto3
>=1.26.143; extra == "dynamodb"
- elasticsearch
<=8.13.0; extra == "elasticsearch"
- elastic-transport
<=8.13.0; extra == "elasticsearch"
- eventlet
>=0.32.0; python_version < "3.10" and extra == "eventlet"
- google-cloud-storage
>=2.10.0; extra == "gcs"
- gevent
>=1.5.0; extra == "gevent"
- librabbitmq
>=2.0.0; python_version < "3.11" and extra == "librabbitmq"
- pylibmc
==1.6.3; platform_system != "Windows" and extra == "memcache"
- pymongo
[srv]>=4.0.2; extra == "mongodb"
- msgpack
==1.0.8; extra == "msgpack"
- python-memcached
>=1.61; extra == "pymemcache"
- pyro4
==4.82; python_version < "3.11" and extra == "pyro"
- pytest-celery
[all]>=1.0.0; extra == "pytest"
- redis
!=4.5.5,<6.0.0,>=4.5.2; extra == "redis"
- boto3
>=1.26.143; extra == "s3"
- softlayer-messaging
>=1.0.3; extra == "slmq"
- ephem
==4.1.5; platform_python_implementation != "PyPy" and extra == "solar"
- sqlalchemy
<2.1,>=1.4.48; extra == "sqlalchemy"
- boto3
>=1.26.143; extra == "sqs"
- urllib3
>=1.26.16; extra == "sqs"
- kombu
[sqs]>=5.3.4; extra == "sqs"
- pycurl
>=; (sys_platform != "win32" and platform_python_implementation == "CPython") and extra == "sqs"
- tblib
>=1.3.0; python_version < "3.8.0" and extra == "tblib"
- tblib
>=1.5.0; python_version >= "3.8.0" and extra == "tblib"
>=3.10; extra == "yaml"
- kazoo
>=1.3.1; extra == "zookeeper"
- zstandard
==0.22.0; extra == "zstd"