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A coverage plugin to provide sensible default settings

pip install covdefaults

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A coverage plugin to provide sensible default settings


pip install covdefaults


to enable the plugin, add covdefaults to your coverage plugins

in .coveragerc:

plugins = covdefaults

in setup.cfg / tox.ini:

plugins = covdefaults

in pyproject.toml:

plugins = ["covdefaults"]

default settings


branch = True
source = .
omit =


show_missing = True
skip_covered = True
fail_under = 100
exclude_lines =
    # a more strict default pragma
    \# pragma: no cover\b

    # allow defensive code
    ^\s*raise AssertionError\b
    ^\s*raise NotImplementedError\b
    ^\s*return NotImplemented\b

    # typing-related code
    ^\s*if (False|TYPE_CHECKING):
    : \.\.\.(\s*#.*)?$
    ^ +\.\.\.$
    -> ['"]?NoReturn['"]?:

    # non-runnable code
    if __name__ == ['"]__main__['"]:$

    # additional platform related pragmas (see below)
    # additional version related pragmas (see below)
partial_branches =
    # a more strict default pragma
    \# pragma: no cover\b

    # out platform pragmas
    \# pragma: (nt|posix|cygwin|darwin|linux|msys|win32|cpython|pypy) (no )?cover\b

    # our version pragmas
    \# pragma: (>=?|<=?|==|!=)\d+\.\d+ cover\b

platform specific # pragma: no cover

several # pragma: no cover tags will be added automatically based on the platform and implementation.

these will be in the form of:

# pragma: TAG no cover


# pragma: TAG cover

these tags will be generated by the following values:

  • os.name
    • nt (windows)
    • posix (linux, macOs, cygwin, etc.)
  • sys.platform
    • cygwin
    • darwin (macOs)
    • linux
    • msys
    • win32
  • sys.implementation.name
    • cpython
    • pypy

for every tag which does not match, you can use negation. here's an example:

if sys.platform == 'win32':  # pragma: win32 cover
    bin_dir = 'Scripts'
else:  # pragma: win32 no cover
    bin_dir = 'bin'

note here that # pragma: win32 cover will become a "no cover" for everything which is not win32 -- whereas the # pragma: win32 no cover will be a "no cover" only on win32.

version specific # pragma: no cover

several # pragma: no cover tags will be added automatically based on the platform and implementation.

these will be in the form of:

# pragma: >=#.# cover

where the comparison operator is one of >, >=, <, <=, ==, !=

for example:

if sys.version_info >= (3, 9):  # pragma: >=3.9 cover
else:  # pragma: <3.9 cover

overriding options

several of the options can be overridden / extended in your coverage configuration. the examples below assume .coveragerc however any of the files coverage supports work as well.


omit =

this will result in the pre_commit/resources/* being omitted in addition to the defaults provided by covdefaults.

subtract_omit = */__main__.py

this will result in */__main__.py not being omitted (*/__main__.py is among the defaults provided by covdefaults).


source = $PWD

covdefaults will not override this value to . if it is set manually.


exclude_lines =
    ^if MYPY:$

this will result in lines matching ^if MYPY:$ to additionally be excluded from coverage in addition to the defaults provided by covdefaults.


fail_under = 90

covdefaults will not change the value if you provide one for fail_under