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a tool to detect test pollution

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    a tool to detect test pollution


    pip install detect-test-pollution

    what is test pollution?

    video about test pollution

    test pollution is where a test fails due to the side-effects of some other test in the test suite.

    it usually appears as a "test flake" something where the test fails mysteriously but passes when run by itself.

    a simple example of this is the following python code:

    k = 1
    def test_k():
        assert k == 1
    def test_k2():
        global k
        k = 2
        assert k == 2

    now this example is a little bit silly, you probably wouldn't write code this poorly but helps us demonstrate the problem here.

    when run normally -- these tests pass:

    $ pytest -q t.py
    ..                                                                       [100%]
    2 passed in 0.00s

    but, if the tests were run in some other order (due to something like pytest-randomly or pytest-xdist) then the pollution would be apparent:

    $ pytest -q t.py::test_k2 t.py::test_k
    .F                                                                       [100%]
    =================================== FAILURES ===================================
    ____________________________________ test_k ____________________________________
        def test_k():
    >       assert k == 1
    E       assert 2 == 1
    t.py:4: AssertionError
    =========================== short test summary info ============================
    FAILED t.py::test_k - assert 2 == 1
    1 failed, 1 passed in 0.03s

    often this flake happens in a codebase with hundreds or thousands of tests and it's difficult to track down which test is causing the global side-effects.

    that's where this tool comes in handy! it helps you find the pair of tests which error when run in order.


    video about using detect-test-pollution

    once you have identified a failing test, you'll be able to feed it into detect-test-pollution to find the causal test.

    the basic mode is to run:

    detect-test-pollution \
        --failing-test test.py::test_id_here \
        --tests ./tests

    where test.py::test_id_here is the identifier of the failing test and ./tests is the directory where your testsuite lives.

    if you've already narrowed down the list of testids further than that, you can specify a --testids-file instead of --tests to speed up discovery:

    detect-test-pollution \
        --failing-test test.py::test_id_here \
        --testids-file ./testids

    you can usually get a list of testids via pytest --collect-only -q (though you'll need to strip some unrelated lines at the end, such as timing and warning info).

    then detect-test-pollution will bisect the list of tests to find the failing one. here's an example bisection from a bug in pytest

    $ detect-test-pollution --tests ./testing --failing-test testing/io/test_terminalwriter.py::test_should_do_markup_FORCE_COLOR
    discovering all tests...
    -> discovered 3140 tests!
    ensuring test passes by itself...
    -> OK!
    ensuring test fails with test group...
    -> OK!
    running step 1:
    - 3139 tests remaining (about 12 steps)
    running step 2:
    - 1570 tests remaining (about 11 steps)
    running step 3:
    - 785 tests remaining (about 10 steps)
    running step 4:
    - 393 tests remaining (about 9 steps)
    running step 5:
    - 197 tests remaining (about 8 steps)
    running step 6:
    - 99 tests remaining (about 7 steps)
    running step 7:
    - 50 tests remaining (about 6 steps)
    running step 8:
    - 25 tests remaining (about 5 steps)
    running step 9:
    - 12 tests remaining (about 4 steps)
    running step 10:
    - 6 tests remaining (about 3 steps)
    running step 11:
    - 3 tests remaining (about 2 steps)
    double checking we found it...
    -> the polluting test is: testing/test_terminal.py::TestTerminal::test_report_teststatus_explicit_markup


    detect-test-pollution can also be used to "fuzz" out failing tests.

    it does this by shuffling the test ids and running the testsuite until it fails.

    here's an example execution on a silly testsuite:

    $ detect-test-pollution --fuzz --tests t.py
    discovering all tests...
    -> discovered 1002 tests!
    run 1...
    -> OK!
    run 2...
    -> found failing test!
    try `detect-test-pollution --failing-test t.py::test_k --tests t.py`!

    afterwards you can use the normal mode of detect-test-pollution to find the failing pair.

    supported test runners

    at the moment only pytest is supported -- though in theory the tool could be adapted to support other python test runners, or even other languages.