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HdfsCLI: API and command line interface for HDFS.

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    API and command line interface for HDFS.

    $ hdfscli --alias=dev
    Welcome to the interactive HDFS python shell.
    The HDFS client is available as `CLIENT`.
    In [1]: CLIENT.list('models/')
    Out[1]: ['1.json', '2.json']
    In [2]: CLIENT.status('models/2.json')
    Out[2]: {
      'accessTime': 1439743128690,
      'blockSize': 134217728,
      'childrenNum': 0,
      'fileId': 16389,
      'group': 'supergroup',
      'length': 48,
      'modificationTime': 1439743129392,
      'owner': 'drwho',
      'pathSuffix': '',
      'permission': '755',
      'replication': 1,
      'storagePolicy': 0,
      'type': 'FILE'
    In [3]: with CLIENT.read('models/2.json', encoding='utf-8') as reader:
      ...:     from json import load
      ...:     model = load(reader)


    See the documentation to learn more.

    Getting started

    $ pip install hdfs

    Then hop on over to the quickstart guide. A Conda feedstock is also available.


    HdfsCLI is tested against both WebHDFS and HttpFS. There are two ways of running tests (see scripts/ for helpers to set up a test HDFS cluster):

    $ HDFSCLI_TEST_URL=http://localhost:50070 pytest # Using a namenode's URL.
    $ HDFSCLI_TEST_ALIAS=dev pytest # Using an alias.


    We'd love to hear what you think on the issues page. Pull requests are also most welcome!