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Python package for parsing and generating JSON feeds.

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    jsonfeed is a Python package for parsing and constructing JSON Feeds. It explicitly supports JSON Feed Version 1.1.


    This package's constructor arguments and class variables exactly match the field names defined in the JSON feed spec. I hope that the code is clear enough that the spec can be its granular documentation.


    Install this package with pip:

    $ pip install jsonfeed-util

    In your Python code, include the line

    import jsonfeed

    Parsing a JSON feed

    import jsonfeed as jf
    import requests
    # Requesting a valid JSON feed!
    r = requests.get('https://arxiv-feeds.appspot.com/json/test')
    # Parse from raw text...
    feed_from_text = jf.Feed.parse_string(r.text)
    # ...or parse JSON separately.
    r_json = r.json()
    feed_from_json = jf.Feed.parse(r_json)

    Constructing a JSON feed

    import jsonfeed as jf
    me = jf.Author(
      name="Lukas Schwab",
    feed = jf.Feed("My Feed Title", authors=[me])
    item = jf.Item("some_item_id")

    jsonfeed exposes constructors for five classes of JSON feed objects:

    • Feed
    • Author
    • Hub
    • Item
    • Attachment

    Note, jsonfeed is designed to be minimally restrictive. It does not require fields that are not required in the JSON Feed spec. This means it's possible to construct non-meaningful JSON feeds (e.g. with this valid Author object: {}).



    See the spec for an overview of deprecated JSON Feed fields. This project (especially the converters and the parsing functions) will stay backwards-compatible when possible, but using deprecated fields when constructing feeds is discouraged.

    JSON Feed 1.1

    • Feed.author is deprecated. Use Feed.authors.
    • Item.author is deprecated. Use Item.authors.


    • Dictionaries maintain insertion order as of Python 3.6. jsonfeed takes advantage of this to retain the order suggested in the JSON Feed spec (namely, that version appear at the top of the JSON object). This order may not be enforced in earlier versions of Python, but out-of-order JSON Feeds are not invalid.

    • I made a conscious decision to shoot for code that's readable––vis à vis the JSON Feed spec––rather than code that's minimal or performant. Additionally, I opted to avoid dependencies outside of the standard library. Hopefully this makes for easy maintenance.