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Jupyter metapackage. Install all the Jupyter components in one go.

pip install jupyter

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Requires Python

Jupyter metapackage

Find more information on the Jupyter homepage.

A default installation of most common Jupyter packages

pip install jupyter installs the Jupyter Notebook, JupyterLab, and the IPython Kernel.

This is an empty metapackage for user convenience, only expressing dependencies on multiple Jupyter packages. jupyter should not be used as a dependency for any packages.

For more efficient installation of what you need, all Jupyter components installed by pip install jupyter can be installed separately. For example:

  • notebook - Jupyter Notebook
  • jupyterlab - JupyterLab (added to metapackage v1.1)
  • ipython - IPython (terminal)
  • ipykernel - IPython Kernel for Jupyter
  • jupyter-console - terminal Jupyter client
  • nbconvert - convert notebooks between formats
  • ipywidgets - interactive widgets package for IPython

No longer included in pip install jupyter, but still supported:

  • qtconsole - Qt Console (removed in metapackage v1.1)