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A Python kernel for JupyterLite powered by Pyodide,

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  • python >=3.8


With Jupyter


Installing the matching version of JupyterLab with your package manager can help ensure matching labextension assets and kernel dependencies, even though this kernel does not yet work in a full, jupyter_server-hosted client such as JupyterLab or Notebook.

With Pyodide


Note that the Emscripten version is strict down to the bugfix version.


To install the Pyodide kernel labextension and the CLI addons for jupyter lite, run:

pip install jupyterlite-pyodide-kernel

or with conda, mamba, micromamba, etc.

conda install -c conda-forge jupyterlite-pyodide-kernel

For more options see the development install or contributing guide.


Build a JupyterLite site:

jupyter lite build

Some new CLI options are also available:

jupyter lite --help

This should show something like this:

      Local paths or URLs of piplite-compatible wheels to copy and index
      Default: ()
      Equivalent to: [--PipliteAddon.piplite_urls]
      Local path or URL of a pyodide distribution tarball
      Default: ''
      Equivalent to: [--PyodideAddon.pyodide_url]

Learn more

⚠️ The documentation for advanced configuration is available from the main JupyterLite documentation site:


To remove the extension, run:

pip uninstall jupyterlite-pyodide-kernel  # or however you installed it

Prerelease Versions

To install pre-release versions with pip:

pip install --upgrade --pre jupyterlite-pyodide-kernel

Or, similarly for the conda ecosystem, for alpha packages:

conda install \
  -c conda-forge/label/jupyterlite_core_alpha \
  -c conda-forge/label/jupyterlite_pyodide_kernel_alpha \
  -c conda-forge \

Note: _beta and _rc packages would follow a similar channel naming convention

Development Install

Below is an short overview of getting up and running quickly. Please see the contributing guide for full details.

Development Requirements

Recommended a Python virtual environment provided by a tool of choice, e.g. one of:

  • virtualenv
  • mamba
  • conda

Ensure the local development environment has:

  • git
  • nodejs 20
  • python >=3.8

Development Quick Start

git clone https://github.com/jupyterlite/pyodide-kernel
cd pyodide-kernel
npm run quickstart

Then, serve the built demo site, documentation, and test reports with Python's built-in HTTP server:

jlpm serve