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What is kedro-telemetry?

Kedro-Telemetry is a plugin that gathers anonymised and aggregated usage analytics to help the Kedro team understand how Kedro is used and prioritise improvements to the product accordingly.

What data is being collected?

Read our Telemetry documentation for further information on the intent of the data collection and what data is collected.

For technical information on how the telemetry collection works, you can browse the source code of kedro-telemetry.

How is the data collected

Kedro-Telemetry uses pluggy hooks and requests to send data to Heap Analytics. Project maintainers have access to the data and can create dashboards that show adoption and feature usage.

How do I withdraw consent?

Data collection for telemetry is enabled by default. To withdraw consent, you have a few options:

  1. Set Environment Variables: Set the environment variables DO_NOT_TRACK or KEDRO_DISABLE_TELEMETRY to any value. The presence of any of these environment variables will disable telemetry for all Kedro projects in that environment and will override any consent specified in the .telemetry file of the specific project.

  2. CLI Option When Creating a New Project: When creating a new project, you can use the command:

    kedro new --telemetry=no

    This will create a new project with a .telemetry file in its root folder, containing consent: false. This file will be used when executing Kedro commands within that project folder. Note that telemetry data about the execution of the kedro new command will still be sent if telemetry has not been disabled using environment variables.

    Note: The .telemetry file should not be committed to git or packaged in deployment. In kedro>=0.17.4 the file is git-ignored.

  3. Modify or Create the .telemetry file manually: If the .telemetry file exists in the root folder of your Kedro project, set the consent variable to false. If the file does not exist, create it with the following content:

    consent: false
  4. Uninstall the plugin: Remove the kedro-telemetry plugin:

    pip uninstall kedro-telemetry

    Note: This is a last resort option, as it will break the dependencies of Kedro (for example, pip check will report issues).

What happens when I withdraw consent?

If you explicitly deny consent from the beginning, no data will be collected. If you withdraw consent later, the processing of data will be stopped from that moment on.

What licence do you use?

Kedro-Telemetry is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.

Python version support policy

  • The Kedro-Telemetry supports all Python versions that are actively maintained by the CPython core team. When a Python version reaches end of life, support for that version is dropped from kedro-telemetry. This is not considered a breaking change.