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Plugin for MkDocs helping with rendering Entangled (entangled.github.io) projects.

pip install mkdocs-entangled-plugin

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Requires Python


Welcome to MkDocs Entangled Plugin

Using this plugin, you can make your Entangled documents look better.


Detailed examples are found in the entangled/mkdocs-examples repository.


Install this with pip install mkdocs-entangled-plugin. To use the entangled plugin, add the following lines to your mkdocs.yml:

  - entangled

  - pymdownx.superfences
  - pymdownx.tabbed:
      alternate_style: true 

For more information, see the documentation.


This plugin bundles functionality for literate programming with Entangled.

  • Annotate code blocks with titles.
  • Build artifacts using Make.

Annotate code blocks

The default markdown syntax that Entangled supports has fenced code blocks as follows

``` {.python file=examples/hello_world.py}
if __name__ == "__main__":

Which renders like this:

if __name__ == "__main__":

Or named code blocks

``` {.python #hello-world}
print("Hello, World!")

that render like this:

print("Hello, Universe!")

Build Artifacts

Build artifacts by specifying a Makefile.

=== "Figure 1"


=== "Source"

    ``` {.gnuplot file=examples/plot.gp}
    # enter your plotting commands here

    ``` {.make .build-artifact}
    docs/fig/plot.svg: examples/plot.gp
    > mkdir -p $(@D)
    > gnuplot $^ > $@

=== "Figure 1"


=== "Source"

``` {.gnuplot file=examples/plot.gp}
set term svg background rgb 'white' size 700, 500
sinc(r) = sin(pi*r) / (pi*r)
set isosamples 50, 50
set hidden3d
set xrange [-4:4]
set yrange [-4:4]
set xyplane 0
set title "Sinc function"
splot sinc(sqrt(x**2 + y**2)) t'' lc rgb '#5533cc'

``` {.make .build-artifact}

docs/fig/plot.svg: examples/plot.gp
> mkdir -p $(@D)
> gnuplot $^ > $@


Licensed under the Apache-2 license agreement: see LICENSE