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A MkDocs plugin for dynamic page redirects to prevent broken links.

pip install mkdocs-redirects

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    Plugin for mkdocs to create page redirects (e.g. for moved/renamed pages).

    Initially developed by DataRobot.


    Note: This package requires MkDocs version 1.0.4 or higher.

    Install with pip:

    pip install mkdocs-redirects


    To use this plugin, specify your desired redirects in the plugin's redirect_maps setting in your mkdocs.yml:

        - redirects:
                'old.md': 'new.md'
                'old/file.md': 'new/file.md'
                'some_file.md': 'http://external.url.com/foobar'

    Note: don't forget that specifying the plugins setting will override the defaults if you didn't already have it set! See this page for more information.

    The redirects map should take the form of a key/value pair:

    • The key of each redirect is the original markdown doc (relative to the docs_dir path).
      • This plugin will handle the filename resolution during the mkdocs build process. This should be set to what the original markdown doc's filename was (or what it would be if it existed), not the final HTML file rendered by MkDocs
    • The value is the redirect target. This can take the following forms:
      • Path of the markdown doc you wish to be redirected to (relative to docs_dir)
        • This plugin will handle the filename resolution during the mkdocs build process. This should be set to what the markdown doc's filename is, not the final HTML file rendered by MkDocs
      • External URL (e.g. http://example.com)

    During the mkdocs build process, this plugin will create .html files in site_dir for each of the "old" file that redirects to the "new" path. It will produce a warning if any problems are encountered or of the redirect target doesn't actually exist (useful if you have strict: true set).


    If you have use_directory_urls: true set (which is the default), this plugin will modify the redirect targets to the directory URL, not the actual index.html filename. However, it will create the index.html file for each target in the correct place so URL resolution works.

    For example, a redirect map of 'old/dir/README.md': 'new/dir/README.md' will result in an HTML file created at $site_dir/old/dir/index.html which redirects to ../../new/dir/.

    Additionally, a redirect map of 'old/dir/doc_name.md': 'new/dir/doc_name.md' will result in $site_dir/old/dir/doc_name/index.html redirecting to ../../new/dir/doc_name/.

    This mimics the behavior of how MkDocs builds the site dir without this plugin.


    Setup a virtualenv

    Create a virtualenv using a method of your choice.

    brew install pyenv pyenv-virtualenv
    pyenv install 2.7.18
    pyenv virtualenv 2.7.18 mkdocs-redirects
    pyenv activate mkdocs-redirects


    make build


    make test


    make release

    It will prompt you for your PyPI user and password.
