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Type annotations for boto3.CloudFormation 1.35.0 service generated with mypy-boto3-builder 7.26.0

pip install mypy-boto3-cloudformation

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Type annotations for boto3.CloudFormation 1.35.0 service compatible with VSCode, PyCharm, Emacs, Sublime Text, mypy, pyright and other tools.

Generated by mypy-boto3-builder 7.26.0.

More information can be found on boto3-stubs page and in mypy-boto3-cloudformation docs.

See how it helps to find and fix potential bugs:

boto3-stubs demo

How to install

VSCode extension

Add AWS Boto3 extension to your VSCode and run AWS boto3: Quick Start command.

Click Modify and select boto3 common and CloudFormation.

From PyPI with pip

Install boto3-stubs for CloudFormation service.

# install with boto3 type annotations
python -m pip install 'boto3-stubs[cloudformation]'

# Lite version does not provide session.client/resource overloads
# it is more RAM-friendly, but requires explicit type annotations
python -m pip install 'boto3-stubs-lite[cloudformation]'

# standalone installation
python -m pip install mypy-boto3-cloudformation

From conda-forge

Installing mypy-boto3-cloudformation from the conda-forge channel can be achieved by adding conda-forge to your channels with:

conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda config --set channel_priority strict

Once the conda-forge channel has been enabled, mypy-boto3-cloudformation can be installed with:

conda install mypy-boto3-cloudformation

It is possible to list all of the versions of mypy-boto3-cloudformation available on your platform with:

conda search mypy-boto3-cloudformation --channel conda-forge

How to uninstall

python -m pip uninstall -y mypy-boto3-cloudformation



python -m pip install 'boto3-stubs[cloudformation]'

Both type checking and code completion should now work. No explicit type annotations required, write your boto3 code as usual.


Install boto3-stubs-lite[cloudformation] in your environment:

python -m pip install 'boto3-stubs-lite[cloudformation]'`

Both type checking and code completion should now work. Explicit type annotations are required.

Use boto3-stubs package instead for implicit type discovery.


  • Install boto3-stubs with services you use in your environment:
python -m pip install 'boto3-stubs[cloudformation]'
(use-package lsp-pyright
  :ensure t
  :hook (python-mode . (lambda ()
                          (require 'lsp-pyright)
                          (lsp)))  ; or lsp-deferred
  :init (when (executable-find "python3")
          (setq lsp-pyright-python-executable-cmd "python3"))
  • Make sure emacs uses the environment where you have installed boto3-stubs

Type checking should now work. No explicit type annotations required, write your boto3 code as usual.

Sublime Text

  • Install boto3-stubs[cloudformation] with services you use in your environment:
python -m pip install 'boto3-stubs[cloudformation]'

Type checking should now work. No explicit type annotations required, write your boto3 code as usual.

Other IDEs

Not tested, but as long as your IDE supports mypy or pyright, everything should work.


  • Install mypy: python -m pip install mypy
  • Install boto3-stubs[cloudformation] in your environment:
python -m pip install 'boto3-stubs[cloudformation]'`

Type checking should now work. No explicit type annotations required, write your boto3 code as usual.


  • Install pyright: npm i -g pyright
  • Install boto3-stubs[cloudformation] in your environment:
python -m pip install 'boto3-stubs[cloudformation]'

Optionally, you can install boto3-stubs to typings folder.

Type checking should now work. No explicit type annotations required, write your boto3 code as usual.

Explicit type annotations

Client annotations

CloudFormationClient provides annotations for boto3.client("cloudformation").

from boto3.session import Session

from mypy_boto3_cloudformation import CloudFormationClient

client: CloudFormationClient = Session().client("cloudformation")

# now client usage is checked by mypy and IDE should provide code completion

Paginators annotations

mypy_boto3_cloudformation.paginator module contains type annotations for all paginators.

from boto3.session import Session

from mypy_boto3_cloudformation import CloudFormationClient
from mypy_boto3_cloudformation.paginator import (

client: CloudFormationClient = Session().client("cloudformation")

# Explicit type annotations are optional here
# Types should be correctly discovered by mypy and IDEs
describe_account_limits_paginator: DescribeAccountLimitsPaginator = client.get_paginator(
describe_change_set_paginator: DescribeChangeSetPaginator = client.get_paginator(
describe_stack_events_paginator: DescribeStackEventsPaginator = client.get_paginator(
describe_stacks_paginator: DescribeStacksPaginator = client.get_paginator("describe_stacks")
list_change_sets_paginator: ListChangeSetsPaginator = client.get_paginator("list_change_sets")
list_exports_paginator: ListExportsPaginator = client.get_paginator("list_exports")
list_generated_templates_paginator: ListGeneratedTemplatesPaginator = client.get_paginator(
list_imports_paginator: ListImportsPaginator = client.get_paginator("list_imports")
list_resource_scan_related_resources_paginator: ListResourceScanRelatedResourcesPaginator = (
list_resource_scan_resources_paginator: ListResourceScanResourcesPaginator = client.get_paginator(
list_resource_scans_paginator: ListResourceScansPaginator = client.get_paginator(
list_stack_instances_paginator: ListStackInstancesPaginator = client.get_paginator(
list_stack_resources_paginator: ListStackResourcesPaginator = client.get_paginator(
list_stack_set_operation_results_paginator: ListStackSetOperationResultsPaginator = (
list_stack_set_operations_paginator: ListStackSetOperationsPaginator = client.get_paginator(
list_stack_sets_paginator: ListStackSetsPaginator = client.get_paginator("list_stack_sets")
list_stacks_paginator: ListStacksPaginator = client.get_paginator("list_stacks")
list_types_paginator: ListTypesPaginator = client.get_paginator("list_types")

Waiters annotations

mypy_boto3_cloudformation.waiter module contains type annotations for all waiters.

from boto3.session import Session

from mypy_boto3_cloudformation import CloudFormationClient
from mypy_boto3_cloudformation.waiter import (

client: CloudFormationClient = Session().client("cloudformation")

# Explicit type annotations are optional here
# Types should be correctly discovered by mypy and IDEs
change_set_create_complete_waiter: ChangeSetCreateCompleteWaiter = client.get_waiter(
stack_create_complete_waiter: StackCreateCompleteWaiter = client.get_waiter("stack_create_complete")
stack_delete_complete_waiter: StackDeleteCompleteWaiter = client.get_waiter("stack_delete_complete")
stack_exists_waiter: StackExistsWaiter = client.get_waiter("stack_exists")
stack_import_complete_waiter: StackImportCompleteWaiter = client.get_waiter("stack_import_complete")
stack_rollback_complete_waiter: StackRollbackCompleteWaiter = client.get_waiter(
stack_update_complete_waiter: StackUpdateCompleteWaiter = client.get_waiter("stack_update_complete")
type_registration_complete_waiter: TypeRegistrationCompleteWaiter = client.get_waiter(

Service Resource annotations

CloudFormationServiceResource provides annotations for boto3.resource("cloudformation").

from boto3.session import Session

from mypy_boto3_cloudformation import CloudFormationServiceResource

resource: CloudFormationServiceResource = Session().resource("cloudformation")

# now resource usage is checked by mypy and IDE should provide code completion

Other resources annotations

mypy_boto3_cloudformation.service_resource module contains type annotations for all resources.

from boto3.session import Session

from mypy_boto3_cloudformation import CloudFormationServiceResource
from mypy_boto3_cloudformation.service_resource import (

resource: CloudFormationServiceResource = Session().resource("cloudformation")

# Explicit type annotations are optional here
# Type should be correctly discovered by mypy and IDEs
my_event: Event = resource.Event(...)
my_stack: Stack = resource.Stack(...)
my_stack_resource: StackResource = resource.StackResource(...)
my_stack_resource_summary: StackResourceSummary = resource.StackResourceSummary(...)

Collections annotations

mypy_boto3_cloudformation.service_resource module contains type annotations for all CloudFormationServiceResource collections.

from boto3.session import Session

from mypy_boto3_cloudformation import CloudFormationServiceResource
from mypy_boto3_cloudformation.service_resource import ServiceResourceStacksCollection

resource: CloudFormationServiceResource = Session().resource("cloudformation")

# Explicit type annotations are optional here
# Type should be correctly discovered by mypy and IDEs
stacks: cloudformation_resources.ServiceResourceStacksCollection = resource.stacks


mypy_boto3_cloudformation.literals module contains literals extracted from shapes that can be used in user code for type checking.

Full list of CloudFormation Literals can be found in docs.

from mypy_boto3_cloudformation.literals import AccountFilterTypeType

def check_value(value: AccountFilterTypeType) -> bool: ...

Type definitions

mypy_boto3_cloudformation.type_defs module contains structures and shapes assembled to typed dictionaries and unions for additional type checking.

Full list of CloudFormation TypeDefs can be found in docs.

from mypy_boto3_cloudformation.type_defs import AccountGateResultTypeDef

def get_value() -> AccountGateResultTypeDef:
    return {...}

How it works

Fully automated mypy-boto3-builder carefully generates type annotations for each service, patiently waiting for boto3 updates. It delivers drop-in type annotations for you and makes sure that:

  • All available boto3 services are covered.
  • Each public class and method of every boto3 service gets valid type annotations extracted from botocore schemas.
  • Type annotations include up-to-date documentation.
  • Link to documentation is provided for every method.
  • Code is processed by black and isort for readability.

What's new

Implemented features

  • Fully type annotated boto3, botocore, aiobotocore and aioboto3 libraries
  • mypy, pyright, VSCode, PyCharm, Sublime Text and Emacs compatibility
  • Client, ServiceResource, Resource, Waiter Paginator type annotations for each service
  • Generated TypeDefs for each service
  • Generated Literals for each service
  • Auto discovery of types for boto3.client and boto3.resource calls
  • Auto discovery of types for session.client and session.resource calls
  • Auto discovery of types for client.get_waiter and client.get_paginator calls
  • Auto discovery of types for ServiceResource and Resource collections
  • Auto discovery of types for aiobotocore.Session.create_client calls

Latest changes

Builder changelog can be found in Releases.


mypy-boto3-cloudformation version is the same as related boto3 version and follows PEP 440 format.

Thank you


All services type annotations can be found in boto3 docs

Support and contributing

This package is auto-generated. Please reports any bugs or request new features in mypy-boto3-builder repository.