Jupyter Notebook as a Jupyter Server extension.
pip install nbclassic
Package Downloads
Project URLs
Requires Python
- ipython-genutils
- notebook-shim
- nest-asyncio
- ipykernel
- sphinx
; extra == "docs"
- nbsphinx
; extra == "docs"
- sphinxcontrib-github-alt
; extra == "docs"
- sphinx-rtd-theme
; extra == "docs"
- myst-parser
; extra == "docs"
- json-logging
; extra == "json-logging"
- pytest
; extra == "test"
- coverage
; extra == "test"
- requests
; extra == "test"
- testpath
; extra == "test"
- nbval
; extra == "test"
- pytest-playwright
; extra == "test"
- pytest-cov
; extra == "test"
- pytest-jupyter
; extra == "test"
- pytest-tornasync
; extra == "test"
- requests-unixsocket
; sys_platform != "win32" and extra == "test"
The Classic Jupyter Notebook as a Jupyter Server Extension
Read the full NbClassic User Manual here!
The Jupyter Notebook is evolving to bring you big new features, but it will also break backwards compatibility with many classic Jupyter Notebook extensions and customizations.
NbClassic provides a backwards compatible Jupyter Notebook interface that you can install side-by-side with the latest versions: That way, you can fearlessly upgrade without worrying about your classic extensions and customizations breaking.
How does it work?
Because NbClassic provides the classic interface on top of the new Jupyter
Server backend, it can coexist with other frontends like JupyterLab and
Notebook 7 in the same installation. NbClassic preserves the custom classic
notebook experience under a new set of URL endpoints, under the namespace
Basic Usage
Install from PyPI:
> pip install nbclassic
This will automatically enable the NbClassic Jupyter Server extension in Jupyter Server.
Launch directly:
> jupyter nbclassic
Alternatively, you can run Jupyter Server:
> jupyter server