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Python binding for nlpO3 Thai language processing library in Rust

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    nlpO3 Python binding

    Python binding for nlpO3, a Thai natural language processing library in Rust.


    • Thai word tokenizer
      • segment() - use maximal-matching dictionary-based tokenization algorithm and honor Thai Character Cluster boundaries
        • 2.5x faster than similar pure Python implementation (PyThaiNLP's newmm)
      • load_dict() - load a dictionary from plain text file (one word per line)

    Dictionary file

    • For the interest of library size, nlpO3 does not assume what dictionary the developer would like to use. It does not come with a dictionary. A dictionary is needed for the dictionary-based word tokenizer.
    • For tokenization dictionary, try


    pip install nlpo3


    Load file path/to/dict.file to memory and assign a name dict_name to it. Then tokenize a text with the dict_name dictionary:

    from nlpo3 import load_dict, segment
    load_dict("path/to/dict.file", "custom_dict")
    segment("สวัสดีครับ", "dict_name")

    it will return a list of strings:

    ['สวัสดี', 'ครับ']

    (result depends on words included in the dictionary)

    Use multithread mode, also use the dict_name dictionary:

    segment("สวัสดีครับ", dict_name="dict_name", parallel=True)

    Use safe mode to avoid long waiting time in some edge cases for text with lots of ambiguous word boundaries:

    segment("สวัสดีครับ", dict_name="dict_name", safe=True)



    • Rust 2018 Edition
    • Python 3.6 or newer
    • Python Development Headers
      • Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install python3-dev
      • macOS: No action needed
    • PyO3 - already included in Cargo.toml
    • setuptools-rust


    python -m pip install --upgrade build
    python -m build

    This should generate a wheel file, in dist/ directory, which can be installed by pip.


    Please report issues at https://github.com/PyThaiNLP/nlpo3/issues