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Provide a loader for OpenCTM files

pip install openctm

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Requires Python



Build And Release Wheels PyPI version

A wheel-packaged binding for OpenCTM Python bindings.


There should be wheels for Mac, Windows, and Linux on PyPi:

pip install openctm


This is a ctypes binding it is compiled on a specific platform but does not need to be recompiled for every version of Python.

cibuildwheel isn't set up for this necessarily so we will do some level of manual wangling here.

The build steps are:

  1. build the library for the current platform using subprocess
  2. build the wheel with pip wheel which only contains Python
  3. Inject the built library into the wheel
  4. Fix the wheel tags to be py3-none-{platform}
  • this indicates it runs on any Python 3
  • it does not require a specific ABI
  • it will only run on the platform specified (windows/mac/linux)

This is done automatically in build.py