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Python port of the fzy fuzzy string matching algorithm.


python >= 3.7


pip install pfzy

Quick Start

Full documentation: https://pfzy.readthedocs.io/

import asyncio

from pfzy import fuzzy_match

result = asyncio.run(fuzzy_match("ab", ["acb", "acbabc"]))
>>> print(result)
[{'value': 'acbabc', 'indices': [3, 4]}, {'value': 'acb', 'indices': [0, 2]}]


fuzzywuzzy is a famous python package for performing fuzzy matching between strings powered by python-Levenshtein. While it does its job well it doesn't calculate/provide the matching indices which is essential in a fuzzy finder applications.

The fzy fuzzy matching algorithm can calculate the matching score while also providing the matching indices which fuzzy finder applications can use to provide extra highlights.

The initial implementation of this algorithm can be found at sweep.py which is a python implementation of the terminal fuzzy finder. The code snippet is later used by the project vim-clap.

I found myself needing this logic across multiple projects hence decided to strip out the logic and publish a dedicated package with detailed documentation and unittest.



All 3 projects mentioned in Credit are all licensed under MIT.

This project is licensed under MIT. Copyright (c) 2021 Kevin Zhuang