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Embeddings plugin for Pinecone SDK

pip install pinecone-plugin-inference

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Requires Python


Inference API plugin for python SDK


The plugin is distributed separately from the core python sdk.

# Install the base python SDK, version 4.1.1 or higher
pip install pinecone-client

# And also the plugin functionality
pip install pinecone-plugin-inference


Interact with Pinecone's Inference APIs, e.g. create embeddings (currently in preview).

Models currently supported:

Generate embeddings

The following example highlights how to use an embedding model to generate embeddings for a list of documents and a user query, with the ultimate goal of retrieving similar documents from a Pinecone index.

from pinecone import Pinecone

pc = Pinecone(api_key="<<PINECONE_API_KEY>>")
model = "multilingual-e5-large"

# Embed documents
text = [
    "Turkey is a classic meat to eat at American Thanksgiving.",
    "Many people enjoy the beautiful mosques in Turkey.",
text_embeddings = pc.inference.embed(
    parameters={"input_type": "passage", "truncate": "END"},

# <<Upsert documents into Pinecone index>>

# Embed query
query = ["How should I prepare my turkey?"]
query_embeddings = pc.inference.embed(
    parameters={"input_type": "query", "truncate": "END"},

# <<Send query to Pinecone index to retrieve similar documents>>