Python bindings of KeOps: KErnel OPerationS, on CPUs and GPUs, with autodiff and without memory overflows
pip install pykeops
Package Downloads
Project URLs
Requires Python
- numpy
- pybind11
- keopscore
- sphinx
; extra == "full"
- sphinx-gallery
; extra == "full"
- recommonmark
; extra == "full"
- sphinxcontrib-httpdomain
; extra == "full"
- sphinx_rtd_theme
; extra == "full"
- sphinx-prompt
; extra == "full"
- breathe
; extra == "full"
- matplotlib
; extra == "full"
- imageio
; extra == "full"
- torch
; extra == "full"
- gpytorch
; extra == "full"
- scikit-learn
; extra == "full"
- multiprocess
; extra == "full"
- faiss
; extra == "full"
- h5py
; extra == "full"
- jaxlib
; extra == "full"
- jax
; extra == "full"
- pytest
; extra == "test"
- numpy
; extra == "test"
- torch
; extra == "test"
PyKeOps contains the python bindings (numpy and pytorch) for the cpp/cuda library KeOps. It provides standard python functions that can be used in any python 3 codes.
For a full documentation you may read: