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Create pytest parametrize decorators from external files.

pip install pytest-param-files

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Requires Python




A small package to generate parametrized pytests from external files.

Simply create a text file with an available format:

dot format (default):

[name1] description
input content
expected output content

[name2] description
input content
expected output content

yaml format:

  description: optional description
  input: |-
    input content
  expected: |-
    expected output content
  description: optional description
  input: |-
    input content
  expected: |-
    expected output content

Then, use the param_file pytest marker to create a parametrized test:

from pathlib import Path
import pytest

import my_function

PATH = Path(__file__).parent.joinpath("test_file.txt")

@pytest.mark.param_file(PATH, fmt="dot")
def test_function(file_params):
    assert my_function(file_params.content) == file_params.expected

and the output will be:

$ pytest -v test_file.py
test_file.py::test_function[1-name1] PASSED
test_file.py::test_function[8-name2] FAILED

Alternatively use the assert_expected method, which will can handle more rich assertion features:

@pytest.mark.param_file(PATH, fmt="dot")
def test_function(file_params):
    actual = my_function(file_params.content)
    assert file_params.assert_expected(actual, rstrip=True)
$ pytest -v test_file.py
test_file.py::test_function[1-name1] PASSED
test_file.py::test_function[8-name2] FAILED
E       AssertionError: Actual does not match expected
E       --- /path/to/test_file.txt:8
E       +++ (actual)
E       @@ -1 +1 @@
E       -content
E       +other


Install from PyPI:

$ pip install pytest-param-files

or install locally (for development):

$ pip install -e .

Regenerating expected output on failures

Running pytest with the --regen-file-failure option will regenerate the parameter file with actual output, if any test fails.

Other formats

TODO ...