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Pure Python 3 wrapper for the Zenodo REST API

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    Pure Python wrapper for Zenodo REST API.

    Allows upload / download of data from Zenodo.


    pip install pyzenodo3

    Latest development

    git clone https://github.com/scivision/pyzenodo3
    pip install -e pyzenodo3


    Here are several examples of using Zenodo from Python 3. All of them assume you have first:

    import pyzenodo3
    zen = pyzenodo3.Zenodo()

    Upload file to Zenodo

    1. Get a Zenodo deposit:write API Token. This token must remain private, NOT uploaded to GitHub, etc.!

    2. create a simple text file mymeta.ini containing title, author etc. (see the example meta.ini in this repo)

    3. upload file to Zenodo (myApiToken is the cut-n-pasted Zenodo API text token)

      python upload_zenodo.py myApiToken mymeta.ini myfile.zip --use-sandbox

    Note the --use-sandbox is to avoid making junk uploads while testing out. Once you're sure things are working as intended, not using that flag uploads to "real" Zenodo permanently.

    Find Zenodo record by Github repo

    Rec = zen.find_record__by_github_repo('scivision/lowtran')

    This Zenodo Record contains the metadata that can be further manipulated in a simple class containing the data in dictionaries, with a few future helper methods.

    Find Zenodo records by Github username

    Recs = zen.search('scivision')

    Recs is a list of Zenodo Records for the GitHub username queried, as in the example above.


    • We don't use deposit:publish API token to keep a human-in-the-loop in case of hacking of sensor nodes.