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A collection of chemoinformatics and machine-learning software written in C++ and Python

pip install rdkit

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Requires Python


🔥 RDKit Python Wheels

This repository holds the code to build RDKit platform wheels for Linux, macOS, and Windows on Github Action and Circle CI. The wheels contain the compiled platform-specific dynamic libraries (*.so, *.dylib, and *.dll) and are available at PyPI. RDKit can easily be installed using

pip install rdkit

NOTE: Older versions of RDKit might be available at the rdkit-pypi PyPI repository (pip install rdkit-pypi). rdkit-pypi is the old name of this project at PyPI. Future RDKit versions will be available at the rdkit PyPI repository. Please update your dependencies, i.e., change rdkit-pypi to rdkit.

Please open an issue if you find something missing or not working as expected.

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Available Builds

Linuxintel64glibc >= 2.28 (e.g., Ubuntu 18.04+, CentOS 6+, ...)last: 2024.3.5✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️Github Actions
Linuxaarch6464glibc >= 2.28 (e.g., Raspberry Pi, ...)last: 2024.3.5✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️Circle CI
macOSintel64>= macOS 10.13last: 2024.3.5✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️Github Actions
macOSarmv864>= macOS 11, M1 hardwarelast: 2024.3.5✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️Github Actions
Windowsintel64last: 2024.3.5✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️Github Actions



python -m pip install rdkit
python -c "from rdkit import Chem; print(Chem.MolToMolBlock(Chem.MolFromSmiles('C1CCC1')))"


poetry add rdkit
poetry run python -c "from rdkit import Chem; print(Chem.MolToMolBlock(Chem.MolFromSmiles('C1CCC1')))"

Local builds on Linux

cibuildwheel requires patchelf (apt install patchelf)

python3 -m pip install cibuildwheel

git clone https://github.com/kuelumbus/rdkit-pypi.git
cd rdkit-pypi

CIBW_BUILD=cp39-manylinux_x86_64 python3 -m cibuildwheel --platform linux --output-dir wheelhouse --config-file pyproject.toml

Replace cp39-manylinux_x86_64 with cp310-manylinux_x86_64, cp311-manylinux_x86_64, or cp312-manylinux_x86_64 to build for different Python