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Provides a sphinx code-block for rendering RunThis blocks

pip install runthis-sphinxext

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Requires Python




    This provides a sphinx extension that adds RunThis code blocks, which display a highligthed code-block statically, but with a "RunThis" button above them. When the button is clicked, the code block is replaced by a terminal session that has executed that code.


    RunThis Sphinx Extention may be installed with either conda or pip:

    # use the conda-forge channel
    $ conda install -c conda-forge runthis-sphinxext
    # Or you can use Pip, if you must.
    $ pip install runthis-sphinxext


    To use the RunThis code blocks, you must configure sphinx to know about RunThis. First, make sure the sphinx extension is registered. In the conf.py, add runthis.sphinxext somewhere in the extensions block:

    extensions = [

    After this, you also need to tell sphinx where the RunThis Server is located. This can be set with the runthis_server variable anywhere in the conf.py. For example:

    # runthis options
    runthis_server = "http://localhost:5000"


    To use the RunThis directive is very similar to the code-block directive in rST. In any of your *.rst files, you may use the runthis directive, followed by the language name on the same line. After any code-block options and one or more blank lines, the code that you wish to display and run, is in an indented block. For example:

    .. runthis:: python
        import sys

    This will be run on the remote server specified in the conf.py file.