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sphinxext-altair: Sphinx extension for embedding Altair charts


sphinxext-altair provides the directive altair-plot to insert live-rendered Altair plots within your Sphinx documentation:

    .. altair-plot::
        import altair as alt
        from vega_datasets import data

        cars = data.cars()


You can enable the extension by adding it to your conf.py:

extensions = [

You can find all available options in the docstring of sphinxext_altair/altairplot.py. For more examples on how to use this extension, see the test Sphinx documentation in tests/roots/test-altairplot or the official Altair documentation.

You can install the extension with:

pip install sphinxext-altair


It's recommended to use a virtual environment for development:

python -m venv .venv
# Install the project in editable mode including development dependencies
pip install -e '.[dev]'

sphinxext-altair uses black for code formatting, mypy for static type checking, ruff for various linting rules, and pytest for testing. All these tools can be executed by running:

hatch run test

As part of those tests, a Sphinx documentation is built at tests/roots/test-altairplot. You can manually build this documentation and view it which is very useful during development of a new feature. For example, if you want to add a new option to the altair-plot directive, you can add another example in the file tests/roots/test-altairplot/index.rst and then build and view the documentation by running:

hatch run build-test-docs
hatch run serve-test-docs

The test documentation can now be viewed at http://localhost:8000.