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Sudachi Dictionary for SudachiPy - Core Edition

pip install sudachidict-core

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Requires Python


    Sudachi Dictionary for SudachiPy

    Managing the dictionary resources as Python packages.

    The dictionary files are not included in the packages; It will be downloaded upon installation (the procedure in setup.py).

    The version (e.g., 20200330) and the edition (small, core, or full) is specified in INFO.json.

    Commands to download and set the dictionaries

    In SudachiPy v0.5.2 and later, you can specify a dictionary directly from a command line or program.

    WARNING: sudachipy link is no longer available in SudachiPy v0.5.2 and later.

    Please see the following links for more details on the dictionary option.


    pip install sudachidict_core
    pip install sudachidict_small
    pip install sudachidict_full

    Dictionary option in SudachiPy before v0.5.2

    In case you are using SudachiPy before v0.5.2, please visit the old SudachiPy documentation.