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Removed: please install "tensorflow" instead.

pip install tensorflow-gpu

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    tensorflow-gpu has been removed. Please install tensorflow instead. The tensorflow package supports GPU accelerated operations via Nvidia CUDA.

    Removal Information

    tensorflow and tensorflow-gpu have been the same package since TensorFlow 2.1, released in September 2019. Although the checksums differ due to metadata, they were built in the same way and both provide GPU support via Nvidia CUDA. As of December 2022, tensorflow-gpu has been removed and has been replaced with this new, empty package that generates an error upon installation.

    All existing versions of tensorflow-gpu are still available, but the TensorFlow team has stopped releasing any new tensorflow-gpu packages, and will not release any patches for existing tensorflow-gpu versions.

    About this package

    This simple package raises a warning if setup.py is executed as part of a package installation. This intentionally prevents users from installing the package.

    To build and upload this package's source distribution (sdist) to testpypi:

    $ vim setup.cfg  # update the version number and package name
    $ python3 -m pip install --user twine
    $ python3 setup.py sdist
    $ twine upload --repository testpypi dist/*
    $ pip3 install the_name_of_your_test_package -i https://test.pypi.org/simple/ --extra-index-url https://pypi.org/simple