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parses valid LaTeX and provides variety of Beautiful-Soup-esque methods and Pythonic idioms for iterating over and searching the parse tree

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    TexSoup is a fault-tolerant, Python3 package for searching, navigating, and modifying LaTeX documents.

    Created by Alvin Wan + contributors.

    Getting Started

    To parse a $LaTeX$ document, pass an open filehandle or a string into the TexSoup constructor.

    from TexSoup import TexSoup
    soup = TexSoup("""
    \section{Hello \textit{world}.}
    (n.) A sacred fruit. Also known as:
    \item red lemon
    \item life
    Here is the prevalence of each synonym.
    \begin{tabular}{c c}
    red lemon & uncommon \\
    life & common

    With the soupified $\LaTeX$, you can now search and traverse the document tree. The code below demonstrates the basic functions that TexSoup provides.

    >>> soup.section  # grabs the first `section`
    \section{Hello \textit{world}.}
    >>> soup.section.name
    >>> soup.section.string
    'Hello \\textit{world}.'
    >>> soup.section.parent.name
    >>> soup.tabular
    \begin{tabular}{c c}
    red lemon & uncommon \\
    life & common
    >>> soup.tabular.args[0]
    'c c'
    >>> soup.item
    \item red lemon
    >>> list(soup.find_all('item'))
    [\item red lemon, \item life]

    For more use cases, see the Quickstart Guide. Or, try TexSoup online, via repl.it →




    TexSoup is published via PyPi, so you can install it via pip. The package name is TexSoup:

    $ pip install texsoup

    From source

    Alternatively, you can install the package from source:

    $ git clone https://github.com/alvinwan/TexSoup.git
    $ cd TexSoup
    $ pip install .