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A DSL for describing questionnaires

Questionnaire DSL

A DSL for describing questionnaires with a simple terminal interpreter.


Q[type]: Project type
1[lang]. Language project
2[gen]. Generator project

Q[type=lang, extension]: File extension (e.g. "*.que"):
___ /\*\.[a-z0-9]+/

Q[package]: Package name
___ /[a-z][a-z0-9_]*$/

Q: Author name

Q: Author email

Q: This question is to
   test multiline feature and indenting.
   1. Working
   2. Not working.
      This is also to test multiline in choices.

Each question is of the form Q: or Q[<comma separated terms>]. If [] with terms is given, each term is either a question ID or a boolean expression of the form <lhs>=<rhs> where <lhs> is a reference to previous question ID while <rhs> is a value of the previous question which must be satisfied for this question to be used. This is handy if the questions that follows depends on the answer. See File extension question above which is asked only for language projects (thus type=lang, the type is a reference to the previous question).

The type of the question is either free-form (specified by ___) or choice if enumerated options are given.

Both question and option can span multiple lines (like in the last question).

For free-form question an optional regular expression can be given inside // (see Package name above). This regex is an input validator.

This package provides an interpreter of the questionnaire txquestionnaire.questionnaire_interpreter(model, data=None) which accepts the model created by parsing of questionnaire description using this language and optionally a dictionary of default answers keyed by either question ID if given or question number. The interpreter will run the questionnaire on the console and return a dictionary of collected data. The values for options are ordinal numbers or IDs if given (like in Project type above -- lang, gen).

Please see tests for the detailed usage.