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A Tox plugin using asdf to find python executables.


This plugin is made exclusevly to support asdf so obviously you will need a functionnal asdf installation as well as the asdf-python plugin.


Simply install tox-asdf in addition to tox to get ready:

pip install tox tox-asdf

That's it, you can now run tox as usual but using asdf Python installations.


No fallback on system pythons

By default this plugin won't fail if a required Python version is missing from æsdf, tox will fallback on its classic way of finding Python binaries from $PATH. You can override this behavior and force tox to only use asdf by using the --asdf-no-fallback option:

tox --asdf-no-fallback

Automatically install pythons

By default, tox-asdf won't try to install missing Python version, but you can force this by using the --asdf-install option.

tox --asdf-install

Obviously this will only useful on the first run.


0.1.0 (2019-01-05)

Initial release