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Canonical source for classifiers on PyPI (pypi.org).

pip install trove-classifiers

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Requires Python


    Canonical source for classifiers on PyPI.

    Classifiers categorize projects per PEP 301. Use this package to validate classifiers in packages for PyPI upload or download.


    To install from PyPI:

    $ pip install trove-classifiers

    This package can be invoked as a module to print a list of classifiers:

    $ python -m trove_classifiers | grep -Ei pyramid
    Framework :: Pyramid

    In addition, this package's API is two importable objects:

    Classifiers (trove_classifiers.classifiers)

    A set containing classifiers (as strings). Useful for determining membership.

    Example - determine if a classifier is valid:

    >>> from trove_classifiers import classifiers
    >>> 'License :: OSI Approved' in classifiers
    >>> 'Fuzzy :: Wuzzy :: Was :: A :: Bear' in classifiers

    Deprecated classifiers (trove_classifiers.deprecated_classifiers)

    A dict, mapping a deprecated classifier (string) to a list of classifiers which replaces it (strings).

    Example - determine if a classifier is deprecated:

    >>> from trove_classifiers import deprecated_classifiers
    >>> 'License :: OSI Approved' in deprecated_classifiers
    >>> 'Natural Language :: Ukranian' in deprecated_classifiers
    >>> deprecated_classifiers["Natural Language :: Ukranian"]
    ['Natural Language :: Ukrainian']