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Drop-in replacement for Python UUID in Rust

pip install uuid-utils

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Amin Alaee

Requires Python



    Python UUID Utils

    Package version Supported Python versions

    Python UUID implementation using Rust's UUID library. This will make uuid4 function around 10x faster.

    This package can be a drop-in replacement to the standard library UUID which implements existing UUID versions like v4 in Rust and also adds draft UUID versions like v6.

    Avaialble UUID versions:

    • uuid1 - Version 1 UUIDs using a timestamp and monotonic counter.
    • uuid3 - Version 3 UUIDs based on the MD5 hash of some data.
    • uuid4 - Version 4 UUIDs with random data.
    • uuid5 - Version 5 UUIDs based on the SHA1 hash of some data.
    • uuid6 - Version 6 UUIDs using a timestamp and monotonic counter.
    • uuid7 - Version 7 UUIDs using a Unix timestamp ordered by time.
    • uuid8 - Version 8 UUIDs using user-defined data.

    Please note that UUID versions 6, 7 and 8 are still in draft RFC.


    Using pip:

    $ pip install uuid-utils

    or, using conda:

    $ conda install -c conda-forge uuid-utils


    >>> import uuid_utils as uuid
    >>> # make a random UUID
    >>> uuid.uuid4()
    >>> # make a random UUID using a Unix timestamp which is time-ordered.
    >>> uuid.uuid7()
    >>> # make a UUID using a SHA-1 hash of a namespace UUID and a name
    >>> uuid.uuid5(uuid.NAMESPACE_DNS, 'python.org')
    >>> # make a UUID using an MD5 hash of a namespace UUID and a name
    >>> uuid.uuid3(uuid.NAMESPACE_DNS, 'python.org')


    In some cases, for example if you are using Django, you might need UUID instances to be returned from the standrad-library uuid, not a custom UUID class. In that case you can use the uuid_utils.compat which comes with a performance penalty in comparison with the uuid_utils default behaviour, but is still faster than the standard-library.

    >>> import uuid_utils.compat as uuid
    >>> # make a random UUID
    >>> uuid.uuid4()


    BenchmarkMinMaxMeanMin (+)Max (+)Mean (+)
    UUID v10.0580.0590.0580.005 (12.0x)0.005 (11.9x)0.005 (12.0x)
    UUID v30.0630.0640.0630.008 (7.9x)0.008 (8.1x)0.008 (8.0x)
    UUID v40.0410.0410.0410.004 (11.1x)0.004 (10.8x)0.004 (10.9x)
    UUID v50.0640.0660.0650.008 (8.1x)0.008 (8.1x)0.008 (8.1x)
    UUID from hex0.0240.0250.0240.004 (6.7x)0.004 (6.6x)0.004 (6.6x)
    UUID from bytes0.0240.0250.0240.004 (6.7x)0.004 (6.6x)0.004 (6.7x)
    UUID from int0.0240.0250.0240.004 (6.6x)0.004 (6.7x)0.004 (6.6x)
    UUID from fields0.0280.0280.0280.009 (3.1x)0.009 (3.1x)0.009 (3.1x)

    How to develop locally

    $ make build
    $ make test


    $ RUSTFLAGS="--cfg uuid_unstable" maturin develop --release