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Convert Vega-Lite chart specifications to SVG, PNG, or Vega

pip install vl-convert-python

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    vl-convert-python is a dependency-free Python package for converting Vega-Lite chart specifications into static images (SVG or PNG) or Vega chart specifications.

    Since an Altair chart can generate Vega-Lite, this package can be used to easily create static images from Altair charts.

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    vl-convert-python can be installed using pip with

    $ pip install vl-convert-python


    The vl-convert-python package provides a series of conversion functions under the vl_convert module.

    Convert Vega-Lite to SVG, PNG, and Vega

    The vegalite_to_svg and vegalite_to_png functions can be used to convert Vega-Lite specifications to static SVG and PNG images respectively. The vegalite_to_vega function can be used to convert a Vega-Lite specification to a Vega specification.

    import vl_convert as vlc
    import json
    vl_spec = r"""
      "$schema": "https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v5.json",
      "data": {"url": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vega/vega-datasets/next/data/movies.json"},
      "mark": "circle",
      "encoding": {
        "x": {
          "bin": {"maxbins": 10},
          "field": "IMDB Rating"
        "y": {
          "bin": {"maxbins": 10},
          "field": "Rotten Tomatoes Rating"
        "size": {"aggregate": "count"}
    # Create SVG image string and then write to a file
    svg_str = vlc.vegalite_to_svg(vl_spec=vl_spec)
    with open("chart.svg", "wt") as f:
    # Create PNG image data and then write to a file
    png_data = vlc.vegalite_to_png(vl_spec=vl_spec, scale=2)
    with open("chart.png", "wb") as f:
    # Create low-level Vega representation of chart and write to file
    vg_spec = vlc.vegalite_to_vega(vl_spec)
    with open("chart.vg.json", "wt") as f:
        json.dump(vg_spec, f)

    Convert Altair Chart to SVG, PNG, and Vega

    The Altair visualization library provides a Pythonic API for generating Vega-Lite visualizations. As such, vl-convert-python can be used to convert Altair charts to PNG, SVG, or Vega. The vegalite_* functions support an optional vl_version argument that can be used to specify the particular version of the Vega-Lite JavaScript library to use. Version 4.2 of the Altair package uses Vega-Lite version 4.17, so this is the version that should be specified when converting Altair charts.

    import altair as alt
    from vega_datasets import data
    import vl_convert as vlc
    import json
    source = data.barley()
    chart = alt.Chart(source).mark_bar().encode(
    # Create SVG image string and then write to a file
    svg_str = vlc.vegalite_to_svg(chart.to_json(), vl_version="4.17")
    with open("altair_chart.svg", "wt") as f:
    # Create PNG image data and then write to a file
    png_data = vlc.vegalite_to_png(chart.to_json(), vl_version="4.17", scale=2)
    with open("altair_chart.png", "wb") as f:
    # Create low-level Vega representation of chart and write to file
    vg_spec = vlc.vegalite_to_vega(chart.to_json(), vl_version="4.17")
    with open("altair_chart.vg.json", "wt") as f:
        json.dump(vg_spec, f)

    How it works

    This crate uses PyO3 to wrap the vl-convert-rs Rust crate as a Python library. The vl-convert-rs crate is a self-contained Rust library for converting Vega-Lite visualization specifications into various formats. The conversions are performed using the Vega-Lite and Vega JavaScript libraries running in a v8 JavaScript runtime provided by the deno_runtime crate. Font metrics and SVG-to-PNG conversions are provided by the resvg crate.

    Of note, vl-convert-python is fully self-contained and has no dependency on an external web browser or Node.js runtime.

    Development setup

    Create development conda environment

    $ conda create -n vl-convert-dev -c conda-forge python=3.10 deno maturin altair pytest black black-jupyter scikit-image

    Activate environment and pip install remaining dependencies

    $ conda activate vl-convert-dev
    $ pip install pypdfium2

    Change to Python package directory

    $ cd vl-convert-python

    Build Rust python package with maturin in develop mode

    $ maturin develop --release

    Run tests

    $ pytest tests