Astronomy and astrophysics core library
pip install astropy
Package Downloads
Project URLs
Requires Python
- numpy
- pyerfa
- astropy-iers-data
- packaging
- astropy
[recommended]; extra == "all"
- astropy
[typing]; extra == "all"
- certifi
; extra == "all"
- dask
[array]; extra == "all"
- h5py
; extra == "all"
- pyarrow
>=7.0.0; extra == "all"
- beautifulsoup4
; extra == "all"
- html5lib
; extra == "all"
- bleach
; extra == "all"
- pandas
; extra == "all"
- sortedcontainers
; extra == "all"
- pytz
; extra == "all"
- jplephem
; extra == "all"
- mpmath
; extra == "all"
- asdf-astropy
>=0.3; extra == "all"
- bottleneck
; extra == "all"
- ipython
>=4.2; extra == "all"
- pytest
>=7.0; extra == "all"
- fsspec
[http]>=2023.4.0; extra == "all"
- s3fs
>=2023.4.0; extra == "all"
- pre-commit
; extra == "all"
- astropy
[recommended]; extra == "docs"
- sphinx
; extra == "docs"
- sphinx-astropy
[confv2]>=1.9.1; extra == "docs"
- pytest
>=7.0; extra == "docs"
- sphinx-changelog
>=1.2.0; extra == "docs"
- sphinx-design
; extra == "docs"
- Jinja2
>=3.1.3; extra == "docs"
- sphinxcontrib-globalsubs
>=0.1.1; extra == "docs"
- matplotlib
>=3.9.1; extra == "docs"
- numpy
<2.0; extra == "docs"
- tomli
; python_version < "3.11" and extra == "docs"
- scipy
>=1.8; extra == "recommended"
- matplotlib
!=3.5.2,>=3.5.0; extra == "recommended"
- pytest
>=7.0; extra == "test"
- pytest-doctestplus
>=0.12; extra == "test"
- pytest-astropy-header
>=0.2.1; extra == "test"
- pytest-astropy
>=0.10; extra == "test"
- pytest-xdist
; extra == "test"
- threadpoolctl
; extra == "test"
- astropy
[test]; extra == "test-all"
- objgraph
; extra == "test-all"
- ipython
>=4.2; extra == "test-all"
- coverage
[toml]; extra == "test-all"
- skyfield
>=1.20; extra == "test-all"
- sgp4
>=2.3; extra == "test-all"
- array-api-strict
; extra == "test-all"
- typing-extensions
>=4.0.0; extra == "typing"