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Parse Python docstrings in reST, Google and Numpydoc format

pip install docstring-parser-fork

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Requires Python




    This is a fork of docstring_parser.

    This fork fixes bugs that the upstream library has not fixed, and it also offers additional functionalities. To inspect the difference between this fort and the upstream, go to CHANGELOG.md and read the entries that start with "(Fork)".


    Parse Python docstrings. Currently support ReST, Google, Numpydoc-style and Epydoc docstrings.

    Example usage:

    >>> from docstring_parser import parse
    >>> docstring = parse(
    ...     '''
    ...     Short description
    ...     Long description spanning multiple lines
    ...     - First line
    ...     - Second line
    ...     - Third line
    ...     :param name: description 1
    ...     :param int priority: description 2
    ...     :param str sender: description 3
    ...     :raises ValueError: if name is invalid
    ...     ''')
    >>> docstring.long_description
    'Long description spanning multiple lines\n- First line\n- Second line\n- Third line'
    >>> docstring.params[1].arg_name
    >>> docstring.raises[0].type_name

    Read API Documentation.


    Installation using pip

    pip install docstring_parser_fork
    # or if you want to install it in a virtual environment
    python -m venv venv # create environment
    source venv/bin/activate # activate environment
    python -m pip install docstring_parser_fork

    Installation using conda

    1. Download and install miniconda or anaconda
    2. Install the package from the conda-forge channel via:
    • conda install -c conda-forge docstring_parser
    • or create a new conda environment via conda create -n my-new-environment -c conda-forge docstring_parser


    To set up the project:

    pip install --user poetry
    git clone https://github.com/rr-/docstring_parser.git
    cd docstring_parser
    poetry install
    poetry run pre-commit install

    To run tests:

    poetry run pytest