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Pseudo terminal support for Windows from Python.

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    PyWinpty: Pseudoterminals for Windows in Python

    Project License - MIT pypi version conda version download count Downloads PyPI status Windows tests

    Copyright © 2017–2022 Spyder Project Contributors Copyright © 2022– Edgar Andrés Margffoy Tuay


    PyWinpty allows creating and communicating with Windows processes that receive input and print outputs via console input and output pipes. PyWinpty supports both the native ConPTY interface and the previous, fallback winpty library.


    To compile pywinpty sources, you must have Rust installed. Optionally, you can also have Winpty's C header and library files available on your include path.


    You can install this library by using conda or pip package managers, as it follows:

    Using conda (Recommended):

    conda install pywinpty

    Using pip:

    pip install pywinpty

    Building from source

    To build from sources, you will require both a working stable or nightly Rust toolchain with target x86_64-pc-windows-msvc, which can be installed using rustup.

    Optionally, this library can be linked against winpty library, which you can install using conda-forge:

    conda install winpty -c conda-forge

    If you don't want to use conda, you will need to have the winpty binaries and headers available on your PATH.

    Finally, pywinpty uses Maturin as the build backend, which can be installed using pip:

    pip install maturin

    To test your compilation environment settings, you can build pywinpty sources locally, by executing:

    maturin develop

    This package depends on the following Rust crates:

    • PyO3: Library used to produce Python bindings from Rust code.
    • WinPTY-rs: Create and spawn processes inside a pseudoterminal in Windows from Rust.
    • Maturin: Build system to build and publish Rust-based Python packages.

    Package usage

    Pywinpty offers a single python wrapper around winpty library functions. This implies that using a single object (winpty.PTY) it is possible to access to all functionality, as it follows:

    # High level usage using `spawn`
    from winpty import PtyProcess
    proc = PtyProcess.spawn('python')
    proc.write('print("hello, world!")\r\n')
    while proc.isalive():
    # Low level usage using the raw `PTY` object
    from winpty import PTY
    # Start a new winpty-agent process of size (cols, rows)
    cols, rows = 80, 25
    process = PTY(cols, rows)
    # Spawn a new console process, e.g., CMD
    # Read console output (Unicode)
    # Write input to console (Unicode)
    # Resize console size
    new_cols, new_rows = 90, 30
    process.set_size(new_cols, new_rows)
    # Know if the process is alive
    alive = process.isalive()
    # End winpty-agent process
    del process

    Running tests

    We use pytest to run tests as it follows (after calling maturin develop), the test suite depends on pytest-lazy-fixture, which can be installed via pip:

    pip install pytest pytest-lazy-fixture flaky

    All the tests can be exceuted using the following command

    python runtests.py


    Visit our CHANGELOG file to learn more about our new features and improvements.

    Contribution guidelines

    We follow PEP8 and PEP257 for pure python packages and Rust to compile extensions. We use MyPy type annotations for all functions and classes declared on this package. Feel free to send a PR or create an issue if you have any problem/question.