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Python bindings to Zstandard (zstd) compression library.

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    Python bindings to Zstandard (zstd) compression library

    GitHub build status Release on PyPI BSD-3-Clause License

    📖 Documentation   |   📃 Changelog

    Pyzstd module provides classes and functions for compressing and decompressing data, using Facebook's Zstandard (or zstd as short name) algorithm.

    The API style is similar to Python's bz2/lzma/zlib modules.

    • Includes zstd v1.5.6 source code
    • Can also dynamically link to zstd library provided by system, see this note.
    • Has a CFFI implementation that can work with PyPy
    • Support sub-interpreter on CPython 3.12+
    • ZstdFile class has C language level performance
    • Supports Zstandard Seekable Format
    • Has a command line interface: python -m pyzstd --help