A clean book theme for scientific explanations and documentation with Sphinx
pip install sphinx-book-theme
Package Downloads
Project URLs
Requires Python
- sphinx
- pydata-sphinx-theme
- pre-commit
; extra == "code-style"
- ablog
; extra == "doc"
- ipywidgets
; extra == "doc"
- folium
; extra == "doc"
- numpy
; extra == "doc"
- matplotlib
; extra == "doc"
- numpydoc
; extra == "doc"
- myst-nb
; extra == "doc"
- nbclient
; extra == "doc"
- pandas
; extra == "doc"
- plotly
; extra == "doc"
- sphinx-design
; extra == "doc"
- sphinx-examples
; extra == "doc"
- sphinx-copybutton
; extra == "doc"
- sphinx-tabs
; extra == "doc"
- sphinx-togglebutton
; extra == "doc"
- sphinx-thebe
; extra == "doc"
- sphinxcontrib-bibtex
; extra == "doc"
- sphinxcontrib-youtube
; extra == "doc"
- sphinxext-opengraph
; extra == "doc"
- beautifulsoup4
; extra == "test"
- coverage
; extra == "test"
- defusedxml
; extra == "test"
- myst-nb
; extra == "test"
- pytest
; extra == "test"
- pytest-cov
; extra == "test"
- pytest-regressions
; extra == "test"
- sphinx_thebe
; extra == "test"
An interactive book theme for Sphinx.
This is a lightweight Sphinx theme designed to mimic the look-and-feel of an interactive book. It has the following primary features:
- Bootstrap 5 for visual elements and functionality.
- Flexible content layout that is inspired by beautiful online books, such as the Edward Tufte CSS guide
- Visual classes designed for Jupyter Notebooks. Cell inputs, outputs, and interactive functionality are all supported.
- Launch buttons for online interactivity. For pages that are built with computational material, connect your site to an online BinderHub for interactive content.
Get started
To get started with sphinx-book-theme
, first install it with pip
pip install sphinx-book-theme
then, activate the theme in your Sphinx configuration (conf.py
html_theme = "sphinx_book_theme"
This will activate the Sphinx Book Theme for your documentation. Note that you may
need to change your html_theme_options
configuration depending on your previous
theme. See the pages to the left for information about what you can configure with
See the Sphinx Book Theme documentation for more information.