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A lightweight example directive to make it easy to demonstrate code / results.


A small Sphinx extension to create examples of source markup and the result of rendering it in your documentation. This is useful if you wish to demonstrate the functionality of a new directive or role in Sphinx.

🚨This is very alpha software🚨: It is packaged primarily for convience and not heavily tested. Use at your own risk!


You can install sphinx-examples with pip:

pip install sphinx-examples


See the sphinx-examples documentation for more information.


To develop this extension, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository locally

    $ git clone https://github.com/executablebooks/sphinx-examples
    $ cd sphinx-examples
  2. Install pre-commit hooks

    $ pre-commit install
  3. Install development and documentation dependencies

    $ pip install -e .[sphinx]

The codebase for this package is in src/sphinx_examples. Documentation is in docs/.

This package has no testing infrastructure, so be careful when using it! If it becomes more complex or with more features, we may add more testing around it in the future. For not it is packaged for convenience and re-use across EBP repositories.

Build the documentation

The documentation is currently not hosted anywhere, so if you'd like to preview the documentation "live", run the following command:

pip install -e .[sphinx]
sphinx-build docs docs/_build/html

Then browse the HTML files in docs/_build/html to see the rendered documentation.


This project takes heavy inspiration from the Bootstrap v5 documenation.